I realize that most people don’t LOVE to clean. It is a chore, but something that must be done. I would encourage you to have a cheerful attitude while you clean and organize.
If you complain and work with a bad attitude your children are more likely to complain and dislike their chores. If you are cheerful and make cleaning fun (or at least not dreadful) your children might be inclined to happily participate in your projects.
Put on some fun music or sing a song together as you work on cleaning and decluttering this month. If you are cleaning alone, put your favorite motivational music on your iPod and get working! The jobs will get done faster and everyone will be happier if you work with a good attitude.
Clean Home, Fresh Start is a month long series to help you create a clean and clutter free home. Feel free to join in, follow along, share your tips and encouragement. Let’s all help each other create a peaceful and welcoming home for our families, friends, and ourselves.
Abbie says
Absolutely! Sometimes we “race” to put laundry away. And I’ve noticed that it makes a HUGE difference when I work alongside my kids – they stay focussed (even w/o constant reminders) and we talk and giggle and get our work done!
Rebecca says
I love cleaning with the music on! It does put me in a better mood along with the kids, sometimes they want to clean too and other times they just want to dance – either way they’re not whining at me. 😉
mel says
We always knew it was cleaning day at our house because my mother would play one of three different cd’s. It was pretty fun & whenever I hear them I always think of them.
Beth/Mom2TwoVikings says
We definitely use music for me and with the kids too. If I need a quick toy pick up, we play Madagascar’s “Move It Move It” vid on You Tube. My theory? Anyone can clean for 2-3 minutes! LOL
Yesterday, I told the kids I wanted to see how much of the chore list we could get done in 15 minutes. So I opened iTunes and picked 15 minutes of their Sunday School Songs CD and we went to town. When the music stopped, they could stop.
stacy says
Yep! I put music on while cleaning too. Makes the cleaning more fun.