
  1. Amanda says

    I could have written a lot of this post – from what you’ve tried to what you recommend 🙂 I’ve been cd’ing for over 2 years and love it! Glad you shared all those resources.

  2. Amy says

    I’ve cloth diapered 10 years but I still like to try out new stuff occasionally. I discovered Thirsties covers with my sixth baby. I like them a little better than Bummis which had always been my favorite.

    The jump from infant to premium prefolds is huge and I found that the premiums were way too big for awhile and infants too small. The red edge prefolds Green Mountain Diapers sells are perfect for “in between”. They sell lots of sizes that other places don’t carry.

  3. Lori says

    Man! I wish I’d had all of these resources when my kiddos were in diapers! I had a pile of cloth diapers I bought at Walmart, a couple packs of rubber pants, a few sets of pins, some borax, an old plastic garbage pail (repurposed) and I was set! This new stuff actually sounds fun….considering!!! LOL!!!

  4. Amanda says

    This is a great overview of cloth diapering. I would like to add, though, that no matter what route you decide to go with cloth diapers, it ends up being a lot easier than most people *think* it is going to be! You just have to find your groove.

    Also, is a great site, because you can SEE real babies wearing different kinds of diapers. Even though I bought the majority of my diapering items elsewhere, I kept referring back to that site to look at the babies in the diapers!

  5. MB says

    Amanda…I totally agree that it’s a lot easier once you have your groove. My sister didn’t cloth diaper with her first, but did with her second (after I showed her how it all worked and helped her get set up). She loves it now and is a total pro! And she is NOT an organized person. She’s borderline ADD and will the first the admit it.

    And Amy and Amanda thanks for the tip on Green Mountain Design…I will have to check them out! Always nice to learn something new!

  6. Shelly says

    I love love using cloth diapers! I usually use prefolds at home, then fitteds or pockets when out and about, and pockets at nightime. Great post :o)

  7. ashley r says

    I can sew so I bought a bunch of all in one kits from and I love them. I do like the stay dry liners from cotton babies. Also the KCKone is great too it is a one size pocket diaper pattern. I used the prefold/pins/and gerber vinyl on 2 of my older and it was ok but with my youngest 2 diaperkit has been a huge blessing!

  8. Jessica says

    My husband and sister-in-law were appalled at my suggestion for cloth diapering but I told them to suck it up and I was trying it. Can’t wait to have my own kids to diaper.

  9. Brian says

    Great source of info on a practice that has ended up very much the exception nowadays.

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