Have you thought about the power of saving? What if you found ways to save $5 a day, for the next month. That’s $150. What if you did that for a year? That adds up to $1,825? What if found ways to save $5 a day for the next $20 years? You’d have an extra $36,000!
It might be difficult to find $5 savings every day for the next 20 years, but even saving $5 a week adds up over time! Most of the time it isn’t the big purchases that hurt us, it is the little expenditures that add up to big debt over years and years. The coffee at Starbucks, the impulse purchase at the grocery store, the drive-thru dinner.
Being intentional with your spending can add up to big savings. Here are 50 simple ways to save $5! Do them all and you’ll have a nice little bump in your savings!
There are so many little ways to find savings here are some of my favorite easy ways to save!
- Turn down the thermostat by two or three degrees.
- Change your air filters once a month in the summer and winter.
- Turn off lights when you leave the room.
- Lower the hot water heater setting by five degrees.
- Use a drying rack to dry clothes instead of the dryer.
- Use less detergent in your dishwasher and washer (experiment to see how much you need to get things clean)
- Stop renting movies (OnDemand or RedBox) and check them out from the library.
- Check out your next book from the library instead of buying it.
- Take advantage of Amazon’s free books on Kindle
. You don’t need a kindle to read them.
- Make a menu plan and stick to it.
- Shop once a week for groceries. (Avoid going to the store for single item trips)
- Avoid spending traps at the grocery store.
- Bring your own reusable grocery bags to the store.
- Use coupons.
- Eat your leftovers.
- Pack your lunch and your kid’s lunch for work and school.
- Eat two meatless meals a week.
- Eat more beans. (They’re good for you and cheap!)
- Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables to save on produce.
- Eat at home for Valentine’s Day.
- Combine trips and avoid running errands unless it is necessary.
- Use up all those old gift cards with small balances on them when you have to go out.
- Sell your gift cards.
- Sell items you don’t need on Craig’s List or eBay.
- Buy items you need on Craig’s List of eBay.
- Use services like ThredUp or Wittlebee to purchase your children’s clothes.
- When shopping online use sites like Savings.com or Ebates for additional discounts.
- Swap babysitting with another family for a night out.
- Stop eating out.
- Use a Groupon, Restaurant.com gift certificate, or a coupon when dining out.
- Stop drinking soda.
- Cut out or reduce alcohol consumption.
- Send an email instead of a letter. (I know, I know…)
- Pay bills online.
- Start a savings account and set up automatic deposits. Ally Bank and FNBO Direct are two of the highest rated according to an article on Get Rich Slowly.
- Budget with cash this month and stop using your debit or credit card.
- Take advantage of free activities in your area.
- Exercise for fun instead of going out and spending money. (Bike rides, walks, trips to the park, etc)
- Plant a garden to save on produce. (You probably won’t see savings until later in the year)
- Make your own compost bin and compost to save on sewage/ garbage.
- Plant periennal plants instead of annuals that don’t need to be replanted each year.
- Use cash for purchases.
- Ask the credit card company for a lower interest rate on balances.
- Cancel phone bill extras like unlimited data or texting.
- Cancel the phone and get Magic Jack or use your cell.
- Ditch the expensive cell phone plan and go with a flat rate monthly plan.
- Search online using Swagbucks to earn gift cards.
- Stop buying wrapping paper and wrap with recycled paper to save on wrapping paper.
- Save on printer ink by purchasing it online and using recycled cartridges.
Linda says
Had to laugh as I saw the “eat more beans.” My daughter & I have a standing joke about cooking beans. She has given up after trying 2-3 batches in her crock pot…& they wouldn’t get done. I decided to try a batch today. Soaked them for 10 hrs overnight, put them in the crockpot & they cooked most of the day & those little “boogers” still aren’t done. What gives?
BTW, didn’t add salt.
Julie says
Unfortunately if I gave up unlimited texting my bill would skyrocket! When you have two non-stop texting teens, unlimited IS saving money 😉
Susan says
I’m not sure, but I’ve read that if you put salt in the water you’re beans will not soften. Season afterward.
Shannon says
I’ve been using the 45 dollar straight talk plan mentioned for a while, it IS unlimited texting and data for my smart phone.
Carol R. Swanson says
I have a bag of lentils. It says they don’t need to soak. I believe you cook them similarly to rice. Maybe its the variety of beans you are using.