If you really loved me, you’d max out your 401K….If you must buy flowers, shop Costco or Sam’s club. They have beautiful bouquets for around $10. They also come with a one-week guarantee. If your flowers don’t last a week, you can return them to the store for another bouquet!
The Valentine’s Challenge
- First decide to celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 19, 20, 21, or whenever, just as long as it is after Valentine’s Day.
- Then decide on a set amount of money, for example $10.
- Now for the challenge, see how much candy, trinkets, cards, and other treats you can get for $10 or less. Most stores have everything marked down at least 50% on February 15 and the prices keep dropping as the days go on.
- Then on your Valentine’s Day, you and your spouse can trade gifts and admire each other’s frugality.

Cheap Date Night Ideas
If money is tight this year here are a few ideas for a cheap date night on Valentine’s Day!Popcorn and a Movie
Check out a movie from the library, pop a big bowl of popcorn and watch a movie after the kids go to bed. No babysitter costs and popcorn is cheap! There are still some free RedBox codes on specially marked boxes of Orville Redenbacher’s popcorn so look for them to get a free movie from RedBox.Dessert and Window Shopping
Many cities have a part of town just perfect for window shopping. If your kids are older (or you have access to cheap babysitting) take a stroll in down a street full of stores and end the night with an inexpensive dessert out. If you are super cheap McDonalds has ice cream cones for around a dollar!Take a Walk Down Memory Lane
Break out old home movies or your wedding video and spend the evening talking about the good old days.Park, Lake, Beach Trip
If you live near a park, lake, or beach take an evening stroll if it isn’t 10 degrees outside. We have always lived by some beautiful places to walk or bike. This can be a fun date if the weather cooperates.Coffee Shop Date
Most bookstores have pretty fancy coffee shops these days! Spend the evening hanging out at your favorite shop sipping on coffee or hot chocolate.Fancy Dinner at Home
A fancy dinner at home is much less expensive than a fancy dinner out! Grill steaks or try a copy cat recipe from one of your favorite restaurants. Who wants to fight the crowds on Valentine’s Day anyway? A few years ago I wrote some tips on how to make your dinner at home extra special without the extra cost!Cheap Fun with the Family
Let’s face it. Once you have kids, Valentine’s Day is no longer just for you and your man. Obviously, you can have lots of fun with your kids by having them help with the cooking and even planning the date. I’m thinking of little waiters dressed in bowties. Another great way to have the kids involved is through crafts.
Jessa says
We don’t even really celebrate here. My husband absolutely hates Hallmark holidays. I like the idea of doing something after!
Amanda says
I couldn’t agree more (see my Valentine’s post on my blog). Why not express your love for one another everyday? That’s my opinion and what we prefer to do in this household.
Though, I’ll admit – my fav part of Valentine’s Day is, indeed, the day AFTER. And for exactly the reasons you stated – CANDY IS 50% OFF! WooHoo!
Brooke says
Great idea!!! To me, bargain hunting is a hobby more than anything. Do I really need 12 tubes of toothpaste for a 1 person family? No, but getting them (legally) for free is fun! 🙂
Cynthia says
My husband and I have been married almost 40 years. When we were first married I must admit I loved getting the flowers, candy, and cards on EVERY holiday. Now we give our love to each other everyday… because everyday we have with each other is a gift from God.
I do try to make cards, for other people in our lives, on the computer. I thinks it is nice to let poeple know your are thinking of them… even if the cards get sent a little late.
Joy says
This reminds me of how much I appreciate my mother-in-law visiting us AFTER Christmas. I always wait until the after Christmas sales to get her gifts. Saves a TON of money!
Kim says
I absolutely love this idea. I think I’ll link to it on my blog tomorrow. Love it!!!!
Dana says
i love the idea. we always talk about doing the same thing for christmas. 🙂
i think changing the date would be just a little bit hard for us though, it was our first date so really that’s what we’re celebrating and not just valentine’s day. i get a pig of some sort and a pink rose every year (long story), and it does always kinda stink that that rose costs three times as much just cause it’s on a rose giving holiday.
maybe i can just surprise my husband with a second valentine’s day, since the real one is usually for me, and i can get a lot for a little to shower him with. 🙂
Stephanie says
Great idea! I’ve thought about that too. I try to go pratical when buying for my hubby or my kids.
My daughter loves shoes so I got her some red shoes for summer that will match 2 of the outfits I have made her for the springs/summer. So it’s something I would have bought any way but can gift it 🙂
Well for my son…I think that I’m going to get something that will benefit the whole family but he will be so excited!
Now my husband…whole different story…I never know what to get him…
MNKristy says
That’s a great idea!
Lynn says
Great idea. I am not big on Valentines day so I like this idea.
Sunshine says
Although we do the getting of chocolate ‘hearts’ for the actual Valentine’s Day (only part of this holiday I care for), we always wait 2-4 days and buy a whole lot of chocolates! We also purchase candies with pink for my daughter’s up coming birthday party to save even more. But that candy needs to be hidden by my husband so I don’t attack it in a night craving!I like the idea of waiting for it all, cause then instead of doubling the chocolate, we could triple it for the same price!!
Amy Ellen says
I love this idea… we celebrate Valentines with homemade cards, extra acts of service for our family members, chocolate covered strawberries and LOTS of loving hugs all day. It’s a beautiful day in our home. But last year, my daughter went to a little girl’s valentines party the weekend after Valentine’s day… the hostess said she bought everything from decorations to treats at the after holiday sales… smart woman!
Angel says
Sometimes when he’s able (in country) near Vday he gets me a card but the one I treasure most is this poem he wrote me on Valentines & gave to me when he gets home. I treasure it more than any store bought card. It was just on a plain piece of paper (no craft supplies on a rig) & folded. I’d rather him be romantic on our anniversary than some holiday that is crammed down our throats.
Amy says
I thought Valentine’s Day was supposed to celebrate St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers.
Is it something else?
Em. says
Funny you should mention this … There was a final Jeopardy question about the origin of Valentine’s Day yesterday, and Alex tells me it’s based on a Roman peasant holiday celebrating fertility and the coming of spring.
We don’t do presents or cards or the like on VDay … or any holiday, really. We forgot our anniversary until 11pm on the day of this year. Perhaps we aren’t so much the romantic types …
Megan Spears says
Great post. I have never been a big fan of “hallmark” holidays either. My husband and I have always believed we don’t need one day a year to express our love for each other or do something special… we have each and every day together… which is always special. 🙂
Diana says
this one is cute
Normal to Natalie says
we always wait and celebrate after valentines. i love knowing that i have the same flowers that my friends got for a fraction of the price! i like your challenge idea though. sounds like fun!
Christi says
I really like your perspective on this. We are so over the “If you don’t bring home flowers or chocolate on February 14th, then you must not love me….”
We know that we love each other because of the way it is demonstrated day after day, year after year. No way that one day could make or break that!
Going to check out your cheap dates…
Sherry says
Celebrating simply is great for me! Although dh does try to buy me my favorite chocolates from Sees. We are going to just enjoy food, fun, and family on Valentines. I enjoy making yummy gifts. 😀 I made him a huge chocolate chip cookie heart one year. Other times I’ve made truffles or his favorite desserts.
Upstatemomof3 says
It is such a good idea – we don’t really bother with Valentine’s in our house but I might talk to Hubby and do this. This would be fun – and affordable. 🙂
Lawanda says
Those are great ideas!
I am with ya on that whole commercialization of holidays thing we got going on. It irritates me to no end.
As long as my dh lets me know he loves me EVERY DAY I am good. He doesn’t have to bring me chocolate, I can get my own, and as long as he doesn’t rub it in that it’ll make me fat.. I’m good with that! LOL
I cannot stand these “holidays” !! Huge waste of mulah.
Alisha says
We actually do this most years when my hubby isn’t deployed. He will cook a fantastic meal for me on the 14th and we’ll get each other presents a few days after. It’s a great way to celebrate. As long as we’re together, it doesn’t matter when we celebrate. Actually we celebrate Vday almost every day of the year! 🙂
Diane {createdbydiane.blogspot.com} says
Great tips!
I’m stopping by from the Valentine Party!
Looking forward to you next post-looks like it’ll be a good one 🙂
Jill says
while I admire you for not getting caught up in the hype of commercialized holidays, I think buying all you can when the prices go down, helps to continue this phenomenon. Why not stay completely clear of all things “Valentine”. When we buy all the cheap crap from China, we are not helping the environment, our country, sweat shops, or anything else. And then we have to buy some magazines that tell us how to organize all our stuff or how to get rid of it!!
TheHappyHousewife says
Great point. Better to avoid the holiday all together if your significant other agrees. 🙂
Genevieve (MamaOnABudget) says
YOU’re the one! I’ve been telling people about this this year, but I couldn’t remember who first came up with the idea! I’m trying to talk my hubby into doing this this year. I kinda did it last year – took my son to Wal-Mart to buy V-day stuff for him, his sister and daddy… on the 15th.
Jennifer D says
I love your post and I could not agree more! My husband HATES Valentine’s Day because he says if we put half as much effort into showing our love the rest of the year, the divorce rate would drop astronomically(LOL) Our anniversary is at the end of the month, so I always wait until after Valentine’s Day to buy the candies and the LOVE stuff when it is more my price!
Jodi Luther says
We read last year how one couple went to the Hallmark store and read all the cards to each other that they would’ve purchased if they did that kinda thing!! LOL! Being Military, it is rare that we are together on most holidays any way…so you kinda have to get over the “if you don’t bring me stuff on this day you don’t love me”…thankfully neither my husband or I feel that way…it is such a waste of money to me. I would rather him scribble me a poem on a napkin (so I can frame it) than spend any money on flowers that will die or candy that will end up in the wrong places (hips).One year he bought me some flowers for our garden which I thought was nice, and practical! <3 isn't about things….to me!
Jennifer says
What a GREAT idea! I just asked my hubby if he wanted to do this and he is totally on board! Wahoo! I don’t think it’s any less romantic a day or week after. I will enjoy flowers and chocolate from my man ANY day of the year, it’s even better that he didn’t have to pay an arm and a leg for it!!! Thank you!
Lisa Stice says
Valentine’s Day did not start out as a commercial holiday. Rather it was a religious one. So if you are going to celebrate wouldn’t it be better to celebrate love in all its forms not just ROMANTIC love? How about performing acts of service for each other, or better yet for your community. My husband will be out of town and I will be off on Valentine’s Day and so will my children, which saves on the ubiquitous school parties and the gifts delivered to school for kids. I think that this year we will use the day off as an opportunity to do something for our neighbors. I will get their input but perhaps something for the children at a local shelter or the children’s hospital.
Alexandra Knaub says
You know, I went to the grocery store yesterday to buy my post-holiday chocolate and I was astonished to find not one single red/pink heart-shaped ANYTHING in the store. NO markdowns! No clearance! They had removed it all and St. Patty’s decor was up. I did happen to notice that there were still boxes of chocolates in the center of an aisle, but they were the year-round boxes of chocolates that they never have to take down or put on sale. And now that I think of it, I never did see any heart box Valentine candy at the store. I really really wanted my cheap candy!
Lauren says
I totally agree with the commercialization but actually there was a Christian man named st. valentine who was a priest who fought for marriages (they tried to band marriage) in 270 ad In Rome. He was imprisoned for rejecting the pagan gods and performing marriages. He witnessed to the guards and other prisoners and was eventually
beheaded. So maybe remember what he did and spread love to others (John 15:13) instead of buying the cheesy expensive flowers and chocolate.
LAC says
I LOVE the Holidays! I know they can be overly commercialized but that doesn’t mean I have to be! For Christmas I bought PJ’s for everyone and a warm blanket. For New Years Eve I made hot wings some Home Made F.F. and a salad and served it with hot cocoa. For New Years Day I made a pork roast ( on sale) I paid $6.00 for a leg. I made whipped potatoes and a veggie and made my own gravy. I made bread pudding with bread ends I have been saving for a couple of months in the freezer. For Valentines Day I am helping my Grand daughter make her own valentines to give to her classmates. We are having a tea party and we are making our own cookies, dipped marshmallows and egg salad sandwiches along with juice.
For St. Patty’s Day I always stack up on the corn beef, cabbage, potatoes, and home made Irish Soda Bread.
Easter: I make home made peanut butter coconut choc eggs and I buy Jelly Beans and of course stock up on the ham and fixings.
My point is that just because it is commercialized doesn’t mean you have to be. My family has great memories of ALL our holidays and my grandchildren are also making great memories of holidays by being frugal and fun! Also it is a great time to stock up on things that are on sale and will be added to our stock!