Here are a few tips to save on landscaping this season.
Mulch with junk mail.
JD over at Get Rich Slowly has an interesting post on using shredded paper to mulch your garden. I love this idea, you are saving money, making better use of all those annoying credit card offers, and recycling.
Plant perennials to save money.
A perennial is categorized as a plant that lives at least three years. If you plant from seeds or a cutting you will save even more money. Investing in a plant that lives for several years is cheaper than replanting those annuals year after year.
Plant a vegetable garden in your yard.
This might seem a little weird, but certain veggies look nice in flower beds. Last year we grew zucchini and watermelon in our front bed. You couldn’t tell it wasn’t just another plant until you looked closely.
Look for torn bags at the store.
Buy slightly torn bags of mulch, potting soil, fertilizer, and other items that are sold in bags. Some stores (like Lowes) give a 50% discount on torn bags, you just have to ask. They will even duct tape the bag for you at the check-out. ( A special thanks to my sister for the heads up on this one)
Make your own compost.
Find my tutorial for a DIY Compost Bin here. This is a great way to recycle and help your plants at the same time! Also, check out How to Start a Compost Pile for more tips!
What are some ways you save money on landscaping?
You might also like to read our post on Frugal Gardening Tips as you work in the yard this year!
Gina says
Great tips! Thanks for the 50% off idea, next time I will search for torn bags 🙂
Jo says
Yes, have started composting, watched Oprah’s Earth day programme and they showed exactly how to make compost. My husband made a box and I have already started.
Marin says
We planted a sad little vegetable garden last year. If we were willing to give it another shot, is it too late this year? We live in Florida; I’m not sure when you have to have the veggies planted in order to do alright through the hot summer. I love your idea for shredded paper!
Beth/Mom2TwoVIkings says
I just posted a few days ago for Tackle It Tuesday about this very thing!
Lynn says
We do composting, too. Something my mom does is to keep a five gallon bucket near some of her flowers that it would be inconvenient to either drag the water hose to. It collects rain water and she uses that to water her flowers.
CGCg says
Goodluck mulching with paper, you will litter your whole neighbourhood not too mention what happens to paper when it rains. Shredded paper also does not have moisture retention capabilities that mulch has along with poor insulating capabilities. Spend a couple bucks on mulch it is worth it.