By contributing writer Tabitha
Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and it’s been a lot of fun for our family to celebrate each year. We try to keep things pirate themed for the whole day. Here are a few ideas to get you started, but you can come up with your own ways to celebrate. The important thing is to keep it fun!
Talk Like a Pirate Day Activities
Watch Pirate Movies
Read Pirate Books
These are usually easy to find in the library, ask your librarian!
- You Wouldn’t Want to be a Pirate’s Prisoner!
- The Magic Tree House’s Pirates Past Noon
- That’s Not My Pirate (Usborne board book)
Dress Like a Pirate
Wear anything that looks piratey.
- Eye patch
- Hook
- Hat
Screenshot of a “Grammar Note” in Mango Languages Pirate course.
Other Pirate Activities
- Go to the International Talk Like a Pirate Day website and learn how it came about!
- Learn how to officially talk like a pirate. Our favorite resource was none other than our library language resource, Mango Languages. There is an actual course!
- Go to the park. Many have pirate ships! Find out which one in your area does.
- Have a pirate party with your friends.
- Play board games. Find the Lego Pirates game, use Lego pirate characters to play chess, or adapt your favorite game to pirate rules and walk the plank!
- Learn pirate songs.
- Find out some pirate foods and try them out…sparingly. They didn’t eat well.
- Go for a ride in a boat!
- See if there are any pirate themed activities at your local library.
Son on a Pirate playground
And, don’t miss out on our Free Pirate Printables!
What do you do for International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Please share with us!
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