It’s that time of year again…time to settle down and finalize homeschool curriculum choices…at least for this month. You would think after more than a decade of homeschooling, I’d be a pro at this. But I put it off every year until I’m under the wire. Thankfully, it’s done…
Our Homeschool Curriculum for 2014-2015
Kindergarten (Girl)
Language Arts
3rd Grade (Girl)
Language Arts
- Wordly Wise A
- Explode the Code, Book 6
- Handwriting without Tears Grade 3 Kit
- Building Thinking Skills Level 1
- Handwriting Without Tears Cursive Grade 3
- All About Spelling
- Mind Benders Warm-Up K-2
- Remedia Publications
5th Grade (Girl)
Language Arts
- Total Language Plus: Cricket in Times Square
- Total Language Plus: My Side of the Mountain
- Total Language Plus: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- Handwriting without Tears: Can-Do Cursive
- Easy Grammar 5
- Mind Benders Book 3
- Building Thinking Skills Level 2
6th Grade (Boy)
Language Arts
- Remedia Publications
- All About Spelling
- Building Thinking Skills Level 2
- Daily Grams 5
- Mind Benders Book 3
- Waker Uppers
9th Grade (Boy)
Language Arts
- Movies as Literature
- Easy Grammar 180 Daily Teaching Lessons Grade 9
- Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book B
- Thinking Toolbox: 35 Lessons that will Build Your Reasoning Skills
- Mind Benders Book 5
- Building Thinking Skills, Book 3 Verbal
- Keyboarding skills
- Total Health
12th Grade (Boy)
Language Arts
Homeschool Curriculum 2011-2012 School Year
This is our 2011-2012 curriculum. Chances are pretty good it will change a bit by the end of the year, but for now this is what we are using. My senior is waiting to hear back on an internship position she applied for, so until we know we are keeping her schedule kind of light.
If you have any questions about our curriculum I’d be happy to share more about how and why we do what we do either in the comments or in a new post.
12th Grade
English: Comp 1 (Dual Enrollment)
History: Exploring Economics
Science: Exploring Creation with Physics (2nd Edition)
Electives: Piano, Personal Finance
Bible: Questioning Evangelism
10th Grade
Math: Chalk Dust Geometry
Science: Exploring Creation with Biology (2nd Edition)
Bible: Assumptions that Affect Our Lives
- Lifepac Electives British Literature Complete Set
- Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book D
- Winston Word Works
- Daily Grams Junior/Senior High
- The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning
- The Thinking Toolbox: Thirty-five Lessons That Will Build Your Reasoning Skills
History: Exploring World History
Foreign Language: (TBD)
Electives: Personal Finance
Art: Film Making (Adobe software, guidebook)
PE: Soccer
6th Grade
Vocabulary from Classical Roots
Basic Winston Grammar
Sequential Spelling Book 2
Math: Chalk Dust Basic Math
History: Veritas Press Old Testament and Ancient Egypt
Science: Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd Edition
PE: Soccer
Art: Film Making
3rd Grade- Delayed Reader
- Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Grade 2
- Explode the Code
- Reading Pathways: Simple Exercises to Improve Reading Fluency 5th Edition
- Handwriting Without Tears: Cursive Success
Math: Math 4: Teaching Textbooks
Science: Considering God’s Creation Student Workbook, Sixth edition
History: Veritas Press Old Testament and Ancient Egypt
PE: Soccer
Art: Various
Supplementing with lots of read alouds and hands on activities.
2nd Grade
- Phonics Museum 1st grade Veritas Press (we have about 20 lessons to finish in the 1st grade book before we move on)
- Explode the Code
- Reading Pathways: Simple Exercises to Improve Reading Fluency 5th Edition
- Handwriting Without Tears: Cursive Handwriting
Math: Math Grade 2 Homeschool Kit (3rd Edition)
Science: Considering God’s Creation Student Workbook, Sixth edition
History: Veritas Press Old Testament and Ancient Egypt
PE: Soccer
Art: Various
Supplementing with lots of read alouds and hands on activities.
- Phonics Museum Kindergarten Veritas Press
- Explode the Code
- Handwriting Without Tears: Letter and Numbers for Me
Math: K5 Math (3rd Edition)
Science: Considering God’s Creation Student Workbook, Sixth edition
History: Beginning Geography
PE: Soccer
Art: Various
Supplementing with lots of read alouds and hands on activities.
Our 2010-2011 Homeschool Curriculum
4 Year Old Girl
- Slow and Steady Get Me Ready
- Rod and Staff Preschool Workbooks
- Get Ready for the Code, Book A
- Get Set for the Code Book B ,
- Go for the Code, Book C
6 Year Old Girl
- The Original 21 Rules of This House
- Discovering Jesus in Genesis: Covenant Promises for Covenant Kids
- Training Hearts, Teaching Minds
- Phonics Museum Combo Kit from Veritas Press
- Explode the Code, Book 2
- Handwriting Without Tears: My Printing Book
- Pilgrims (co-op)
- Great Science Adventures: Discovering the Ocean
8 Year Old Boy (delayed reader)
- The Original 21 Rules of This House
- Discovering Jesus in Genesis: Covenant Promises for Covenant Kids
- Training Hearts, Teaching Minds
Language Arts
Explode the Code
- Pilgrims (co-op)
- Great Science Adventures: Discovering the Ocean
10 Year Old Boy
- The Original 21 Rules of This House
- Discovering Jesus in Genesis: Covenant Promises for Covenant Kids
- Training Hearts, Teaching Minds
- Caddie Woodlawn
- Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- My Side of the Mountain
- From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
- Pilgrims (co-op)
- Great Science Adventures: Discovering the Ocean
- Co-op
- Piano Lessons
9th Grade (Boy)
- Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World
- Dug Down Deep: Unearthing What I Believe and Why It Matters
- Ultimate Proof of Creation
- Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations
Language Arts
- Mythology/ Classic Literature Co-op (1/2 credit)
- Grammar/ Vocab/ Writing (1/2 credit)
- Advanced Winston Grammar Set
- Wordly Wise 3000, Grade 9, 2nd Edition
- Teaching Writing: Structure and Style–10 DVD’s and Workbook
- Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2 Kit (1 credit)
- Exploring Creation with Physical Science (1 credit)
- Abeka Geography (1/2 credit)
- Teen Pact (¼ credit)
- Foundations in Personal Finance (½ credit)
- PE (½ credit)
- Typing (½ credit)
Foreign Language
11th Grade Girl
- Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World
- Dug Down Deep: Unearthing What I Believe and Why It Matters
- According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the Bible
- Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ
Language Arts
- Mythology / Classic Literature Co-op (1/2 credit)
- Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus Kit (1 credit)
- Abeka American History (1 credit)
- A Patriot’s History of the United States: From Columbus’s Great Discovery to the War on Terror
- Streams of Civilization Vol. 2: Cultures in Conflict Since the Reformation
- The Timetables of History: A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events
Foreign Language
- First Form Latin (1/2 credit)
- Piano (½ credit)
- Foundations in Personal Finance (½ credit)
- PE (½ credit)
- Teen Pact (¼ credit)
Homeschool Curriculum 2008-2009 School Year
Ninth Grade Girl
Math- Teaching Textbooks Algebra II (1 credit)
Language- Total Language Plus (1 credit)
The Hiding Place
Trumpeter of Krakow
Around the World in Eighty Days
Pride and Prejudice
Vocabulary- Wordly Wise
Writing Institute for Excellence in Writing (½ credit)
Science- Apologia Biology (1 credit)
History Exploring Government (½ credit)
Foreign Language- Rosetta Stone Spanish I (1 credit)
Bible – I will probably create my own curriculum (1 credit)
Home Economics- I am creating my own curriculum (½ credit)
Personal Finance – I am not sure what I will be using (½ credit)
Music- Piano Lessons (½ credit)
Sixth Grade Boy
mild learning disabilitiesMath- Teaching Textbooks Grade 7
Language Arts
Spelling Power
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Easy Grammar
Rod and Staff Reading and English
Vocabulary- Wordly Wise
Science- Apologia Flying Creatures of the 5th Day
Social Studies- will probably start with a government unit, and then Mystery of History the second half of the year.
Foreign Language- Rosetta Stone Spanish I
Music- Piano Lessons
Third Grade Boy
Math- BJU Math 3
Learning Language Arts through Literature Yellow Book
Spelling Power
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Easy Grammar
Explode the Code
Handwriting Without Tears
Vocabulary- Wordly Wise
Science- Apologia Flying Creatures of the 5th Day
Social Studies- will probably start with a government unit, and then start Mystery of History the second half of the year.
Foreign Language – Rosetta Stone Spanish I
Music- Piano Lessons
First Grade Boy
Explode the Code
Phonics Pathways
Handwriting without Tears
My Father’s World First Grade for everything else
Pre K Girl
Get Ready, Set, and Go for the Code
Handwriting Without Tears
Rod and Staff Preschool Books
Toddler Girl
I want to add a note to the Toddler’s curriculum. This book is not a school book. It is a book that gives you activities for your children from birth to age 5. Things as simple as peek-a-boo to more complex activities as they get older. Also my four year old has wanted to “do” school for the past 2 years. The only reason we are doing these workbooks is because she is begging to do them. My boys had no interest in school when they were 4 years old and we didn’t do anything but read aloud, puzzles, blocks and other fun “educational” toys. I wrote a post on great preschooler toys a few months ago, so check it out for ideas, if you need them.Before you purchase curriculum for the next school year check out these homeschool curriculum reviews, written by real homeschooling moms, giving their unbiased opinions. This list is a great resource for anyone considering homeschooling or looking to try a new curriculum.
Amy B says
Thank you for sharing this list. I’m interested in your thoughts on Movies as Literature. Is this the first time you’re using it? The majority of our high school literature has been Progeny Press. Would like to change it up a bit.
I think I’ll get Teaching Toolbox for 9th grade too!
Toni Anderson says
This is our first time using it. We’ve only gone through one movie so far, so it is too early for an opinion, but so far we like it.
I’ll update later in the year.
mary says
this is great 4 my little ones
Billie says
I have come back to your curriculum list so many times! I have a rising 8th grader and I am a bit freaked out! lol I also have several dyslexics, struggling learners so that puts a spin on it all. I really like your curriculum set up…it seems doable!
Harmony says
How do you manage your time with each child especially if they struggle with a certain subject? I have 4 kids and my oldest is 6th grade but really has a hard time with math. I also was never great at math so I feel super inadequate teaching him. Any curriculum suggestions or time management ideas? Also, does your curriculum break the bank cause that seems like a lot of books! I’ve been homeschooling for 5 years but I feel like something’s gotta change in our daily schedule for next fall. Just not sure what. Thanks for your help!
Lisa says
Hi – would you share any updated curriculum choices for the kids?