Our church has two services. One at 9am and one at 11:15. We prefer the 9am because if we go to the 11:15 service it feels like dinnertime by the time we are finished. (Not really- but that’s how it feels)
It is really hard (almost impossible) to get my late sleepers up for the early service, especially when I’m by myself. We went to the late service today because I didn’t even want to try to get them up.
We went to church and then out to lunch with a few folks. That was pretty much our whole day.
Oh, and I decided to take the kids to Disney World next month. I hate winter and the thought of being in Florida for two weeks in February makes me very happy.
The kids are excited and I was able to get a free room because of all my hotel points. Hopefully the upcoming vacation will make the next few weeks easier.
Of course Cora has already asked twenty-five times how many more days until we go to Disney. Maybe I should have waited to tell them.
My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days. These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence. I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014. To read from the beginning, click here.
CW says
Make a “waiting jar” – our daughter did this when they were “waiting” to go on a trip: Fill a jar with small edible items – 1 for each day between now and when you leave. Every day she can take out one and eat it and see how the jar is emptying. She may have found it on pinetrest if you want to see other ideas to help the time go more smoothly…ENJOY YOUR TRIP!
Serenity says
Yeah for Disney trips!!!! We are going for the first time February 24- March 1 and we are so excited! My husband is reading your 30 Days of Disney and finding some great tips. Thanks for all the frugal ideas:) Good for you taking your kiddos:). Maybe it will make some of the days pass more quickly 🙂