I want to start by thanking all of you who have generously donated your coupons to the Coupons for Troops campaign. I appreciate your willingness to support our troops overseas. I received thousands of coupons each week and am able to send them to bases overseas where the prices are higher and money can be extremely tight for our military families.
I recently found out that there are a few remote bases that do not have commissaries (the grocery store) but they do have an Exchange (similar to a Super Walmart). The Exchange accepts coupons, but not expired ones. As someone who has lived on a base with only an Exchange I can tell you the prices are very, very high. I am looking for people who would be willing to donate unexpired coupons to these families. If you are interested in donating coupons that are not expired please email me at coupons4troops@comcast.net and we can discuss the details.
Thanks to all who have participated in Coupons for Troops. You are making a difference!
Norma D. Courtois says
Hello, I just found your site and will be sending you coupons monthly or sooner for the troops. Where do I send these? Norma Courtois
TheHappyHousewife says
Fill out this form if you are interested in donating coupons. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dEJhQmlES3IwNHZTTDk2RXpKNkhPMFE6MQ#gid=0
Katy Freitag says
Please send address for family in need of coupons. This will help me get rid of the need to buy stuff just because the coupon is about to expire and I end up spending more then I really need to. This will work perfectly. Thanks for thinking of our troops. You Rock!
Vicki says
Would love to help. Where can i send coupons?
Sandra Haas says
My Daughters of the American Revolution chapter is collecting coupons for military families overseas. We need an address to send them. Can you help?
Liz says
I can send you mine. Do you need any money for postage?
Lily says
I will be more than willing to send you my unexpired coupons.
Jenn says
As the spouse of a troop that receives said coupons, I do want to say thank you to everyone who sends them along (and to you for sending them to me). I sort through them and then pass them on to multiple other families, who pass them on again. Each coupon is looked at multiple times until it can settle at a home that can use it. You have no idea how much we appreciate all of the coupons; so I just wanted to take a minute to let you know that people really do benefit from this and really do use them!
One Mom, Five Kids says
Thanks for pointing this out. I will email you for the details. I would love to donate some unexpired coupons.