Today was farm day. In case you missed it, a few weeks ago I got my brain working again and realized that in order for me to not lose my mind during this deployment I needed some help with the kids.
So once a week my younger kids go to the farm to play, make snow ice cream, sit by the fire, get help with their math, eat cookies, and have a fabulous time.
It’s funny that the older you get the more you realize you don’t know.
For years I’ve been slightly bothered by all the people who post about the first day of school and their “happy dance” after the bus takes their children away for the day.
It always made me sad that people didn’t want to be with their kids.
But over time I’ve realized that for folks who don’t have a routine at home (aka homeschool school) day after day of no routine and free for all will drive you crazy. For families who have kids in school, school is their routine. So things snow days and summer break can be, less than fun.
While I like days where we don’t “do school” I also find myself irritated at the end of the day because of the chaos.
All this to say that farm days are awesome because my house is quiet for a few hours and I plow through stuff like nobody’s business. Homeschoolers need farm days.
You may think you don’t. But you do. Maybe you only get them once a month, or occasionally, but they will change your life.
That’s all for today.
My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days. These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence. I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014. To read from the beginning, click here.
Stef says
Gasp, a post w/o words: Florida or Disney !!! 😉
Toni Anderson says
I know! What is wrong with me?!?!? 🙂
Belinda says
Toni –
You and your entire family continue to be in my prayers.
My children would love to go to a farm regularly also – especially if they could play and pet the farm animals!
Have a wonderful day!